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The story takes place in a small village on the outskirts of La Paz, California.News of Kino's pearl spreads rapidly through the town, inspiring desire and envy in everyone who hears of it. When Juan Tomas asks Kino what he will do as a rich man, he responds that he and Juana will be married in a church, that they will have new clothes, that he will have a rifle, and that his son will receive an education.That evening, as Kino and Juana prepare to leave, Juan Tomas cautions Kino against being overly proud, and Juana repeats her wish to be rid of the pearl.When it's completely dark, Kino prepares to attack them but, as he is about to, Coyotito lets out a cry, provoking one of the trackers to shoot at what he assumes to be a coyote.In the midst of Kino and Juana's morning routine, Coyotito is stung by a scorpion that has fallen into his hanging box.Juan Tomas, Kino's brother, advises Kino to be wary of cheats.Kino indignantly refuses to accept their offers, resolving instead to take his pearl to the capital.Then, upon seeing that their house is engulfed in flames, the family seeks refuge in Juan Tomas's house.It begins in the brush house of Kino, Juana, and their baby, Coyotito, a family of Mexican Native Americans.Later that same morning, Kino and Juana take their family canoe to go diving for pearls.Juana's prayers for a large pearl are answered when Kino surfaces with the largest pearl either of them has ever seen.Juana tries to throw the pearl into the ocean, but Kino follows her, rips the pearl away from her, and beats her to the ground.Juana and Kino, united and beleaguered, walk back to the village side-by-side with Coyotito's dead body in Juana's shawl.Before going to bed, Kino buries the pearl under his sleeping mat.Juana begs, to no avail, that they get rid of the pearl.

Original text

The story takes place in a small village on the outskirts of La Paz, California. It begins in the brush house of Kino, Juana, and their baby, Coyotito, a family of Mexican Native Americans. In the midst of Kino and Juana’s morning routine, Coyotito is stung by a scorpion that has fallen into his hanging box.

Hoping to protect their son, Kino and Juana rush him to the doctor in town. When they arrive at the doctor’s gate, they are turned away because they are poor natives who cannot pay enough.

Later that same morning, Kino and Juana take their family canoe to go diving for pearls. Juana’s prayers for a large pearl are answered when Kino surfaces with the largest pearl either of them has ever seen.

News of Kino’s pearl spreads rapidly through the town, inspiring desire and envy in everyone who hears of it. When Juan Tomas asks Kino what he will do as a rich man, he responds that he and Juana will be married in a church, that they will have new clothes, that he will have a rifle, and that his son will receive an education.

The priest visits the brush house to remind Kino and Juana to thank God. Then the doctor, inspired by the news of the pearl, arrives in order to treat the baby. He administers a first treatment and predicts that the poison will strike within the hour. Within the hour, Coyotito indeed becomes ill and the doctor administers a second treatment to cure him. Kino promises to pay the doctor after selling the pearl, which the doctor pretends not to have heard about.

Before going to bed, Kino buries the pearl under his sleeping mat. That night, after dark, Kino hears noises in the house and manages to strike a thief looking for the pearl with his knife, but is also struck in return. Juana begs, to no avail, that they get rid of the pearl. Terribly upset by this turn of events, Juana proposes that they abandon the pearl, which she considers an agent of evil.

The next morning, Kino and Juana make their way to town to sell the pearl. Juan Tomás, Kino’s brother, advises Kino to be wary of cheats. Indeed, all of the dealers conspire to bid low on the pearl. Kino indignantly refuses to accept their offers, resolving instead to take his pearl to the capital. That evening, as Kino and Juana prepare to leave, Juan Tomás cautions Kino against being overly proud, and Juana repeats her wish to be rid of the pearl. Kino silences her, explaining that he is a man and will take care of things.

That night, Kino fights off another attacker. Juana tries to throw the pearl into the ocean, but Kino follows her, rips the pearl away from her, and beats her to the ground. Some minutes later, Juana rises to discover that Kino has been attacked yet again, and, this time, has killed his attacker. Now that Kino is guilty of murder, Kino and Juana truly must leave the town.

As Kino approaches the canoe to prepare for their departure, he sees that someone has made a hole in its bottom. Then, upon seeing that their house is engulfed in flames, the family seeks refuge in Juan Tomas’s house. They flee north at nighttime, pursued by trackers who have followed them from the village.

The family retreats into a cave on a mountainside, under which the trackers come to rest at night. When it’s completely dark, Kino prepares to attack them but, as he is about to, Coyotito lets out a cry, provoking one of the trackers to shoot at what he assumes to be a coyote. Though Kino succeeds in killing the men, Coyotito has already been shot dead.

Juana and Kino, united and beleaguered, walk back to the village side-by-side with Coyotito’s dead body in Juana’s shawl. Kino throws the pearl back into the sea.

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