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Pica and food cravings Pica, the practice of consuming nonfood substances (e.g., clay, dirt, and laundry starch) or excessive amounts of foodstuffs low in nutritional value (e.g., cornstarch, ice, baking powder, and baking soda), is often influenced by the woman's cultural background (Fig.Regular and heavy consumption of low-nutrient products may cause more nutritious foods to be displaced from the diet, and the items consumed may interfere with the absorption of nutrients, especially minerals.Women with pica have lower hemoglobin levels than those without pica. 10-3).
Pica and food cravings
Pica, the practice of consuming nonfood substances (e.g.,
clay, dirt, and laundry starch) or excessive amounts of foodstuffs low in nutritional value (e.g., cornstarch, ice, baking
powder, and baking soda), is often influenced by the woman’s
cultural background (Fig. 10-3). In the United States it appears
to be most common among African-American women,
women from rural areas, and women with a family history
of pica. Regular and heavy consumption of low-nutrient
products may cause more nutritious foods to be displaced
from the diet, and the items consumed may interfere with the
absorption of nutrients, especially minerals. Women with pica
have lower hemoglobin levels than those without pica. The
possibility of pica must be considered when pregnant women
are found to be anemic. The nurse should provide counseling about the health risks associated with pica.
The existence of pica, as well as details of the type and
amounts of products ingested, is likely to be discovered only
by the sensitive interviewer who has developed a relationship of trust with the woman. It has been proposed that pica
and food cravings (e.g., the urge to consume ice cream, pickles, or pizza) during pregnancy are caused by an innate drive
to consume nutrients missing from the diet. However, research has not supported this hypothesis.
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