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?????This mutually embedded aspect could be a key element of sustainability research and practice, encouraging natural environment phenomena to be considered at the center of and throughout all human organizational activity and acknowledging that the natural environment is present throughout all organizational stakeholder networks (including value and supply chains), directly or indirectly affecting (or affected by) the decisions and actions of multiple organizational decision makers (Waddock & McIntosh, 2011).First, as we have identified and will explain in greater detail later in this article, most other organization/management theories that have been used in sustainability research do not either explicitly or implicitly recognize the obvious (or near-obvious) fact that all human organizations are embedded within the natural environment, and that, all of those which have human managers and other employees, also contain the natural environment inside of their respective biophysical bodies.So the first reason one or more sustainability management theories are needed is because they may best reflect the current and future biophysical and social realities of human organizations and the contexts and impacts of their decisions and actions.Why Are New Theories of Sustainability Management Needed??????????????????????????????????????????.

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أنواع الترجمة
ترجمة نص
النص المصدر
. Why Are New Theories of Sustainability Management Needed? Several justifications prompted us to consider the suggestion that one or more new theories of sustainability management may be needed in the management literature. First, as we have identified and will explain in greater detail later in this article, most other organization/management theories that have been used in sustainability research do not either explicitly or implicitly recognize the obvious (or near-obvious) fact that all human organizations are embedded within the natural environment, and that, all of those which have human managers and other employees, also contain the natural environment inside of their respective biophysical bodies. This mutually embedded aspect could be a key element of sustainability research and practice, encouraging natural environment phenomena to be considered at the center of and throughout all human organizational activity and acknowledging that the natural environment is present throughout all organizational stakeholder networks (including value and supply chains), directly or indirectly affecting (or affected by) the decisions and actions of multiple organizational decision makers (Waddock & McIntosh, 2011). By logical extension, the human social environment is also central to most organizational management decisions and interweaves throughout all organizational networks (Husted & Allen, 2011). Ignoring either the natural or social environment aspects of human organizational decisions and actions by either researchers or practitioners can lead to short-term thinking and short-sighted action, with potential negative environmental, social, and/ or organizational consequences (Diamond, 2005). So the first reason one or more sustainability management theories are needed is because they may best reflect the current and future biophysical and social realities of human organizations and the contexts and impacts of their decisions and actions. A second major justification for suggesting the need for the potential initial development of one or more sustainability management theories is that we humans apparently need to pay much more attention to sustainability challenges and related potential catastrophic outcomes. Numerous modern-day intractable environmental and social issues, such as climate disruption, debilitating poverty, biodiversity loss, human rights and child labor abuses, ecosystem toxic pollution, overpopulation, and overconsumption, among many others, such as deforestation and gender discrimination, have exacerbated traditional human maladies of war, violence, crime, illiteracy, and disease to the extent that these “wicked problems” appear to hold an ever-tightening vice-grip on both human development and ecosystem health and s

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. لماذا هناك حاجة لنظريات جديدة لإدارة الاستدامة؟ دفعتنا العديد من المبررات إلى النظر في الاقتراح القائل بأنه قد تكون هناك حاجة إلى نظرية جديدة أو أكثر لإدارة الاستدامة في الأدبيات الإدارية. أولاً، كما حددنا وسنشرح بمزيد من التفصيل لاحقًا في هذه المقالة، فإن معظم نظريات التنظيم/الإدارة الأخرى التي تم استخدامها في أبحاث الاستدامة لا تعترف صراحةً أو ضمنًا بالحقيقة الواضحة (أو شبه الواضحة) وهي أن جميع المنظمات البشرية

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