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Customer Service Department
345 Jackson Road,
Baltimore, MD 23770
Dear Sir,
I purchased a set of earphones at your store three days ago.According to your promotional material, any item that is faulty and is returned within 24 hours, is fully refunded and a discount voucher is offered for future purchases, as a courtesy to the customer.attempted to use my earphones the day I purchased them and found out that one of the cables had not been connected.

Original text

Customer Service Department
345 Jackson Road,
Baltimore, MD 23770
Dear Sir,
I purchased a set of earphones at your store three days ago. According to your promotional material, any item that is faulty and is returned within 24 hours, is fully refunded and a discount voucher is offered for future purchases, as a courtesy to the customer.
attempted to use my earphones the day I purchased them and found out that one of the cables had not been connected. I therefore, called your Customer Service Department and was advised to return the earphones as soon as possible.
I drove to your place of business immediately and tried to do as advised.
Unfortunately, however, I was told by the assistant that the earphones could only be returned if the packaging was intact.
Allow me to wonder how one is supposed to find out if an item is faulty or not, if it is kept in its packaging. And if that is the case, it would seem fair to include it in your promotional material in large block letters, instead of conveying the wrong message and misleading people.
I regret to inform you that following this incident, I will refrain from using your retail outlet in future and will have to report you to Consumer Protection.
Yours sincerely,
A displeased former customer

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