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Customer Hello
CSO Oh Hi, [If late, say sorry to keep you waiting]
My name is _______________, How may I help you?CSO Yeah sure, may I have your passport number and flight airline booking information.Customer My Passport Number is AE5545454 and my ticker number is ET43343.Customer It's Itehad Airline, ET43343.But as I can see, you are a regular traveler of Itehad Airline.CSO AE5545454
Customer That's correct.CSO ET43343.(Deep breath shows patience)
CSO The system shows ET43343 is flying to Paris, France.You should open some more counters to minimize waiting time.I have upgraded your ticket from economy to business class.Plus, you have access to business class lounge where your family can enjoy our range of services like free massage chairs, sleeping pods.I am giving you kids meal voucher for Poppeys.CSO You know I can imagine how frustrating it was.Customer I have full confidence on Itehad Airline.CSO Give me second, let me note down.Can you please repeat your Passport Number.Customer Its AE5545454.CSO And flight Number please?CSO May I have connection flight information?CSO Connected flight number.Customer It is EK505.CSO [Takes time for 20 - 30 seconds to look for the information]._________.CSO I do not know sir, but no information is given so far with this detail.CSO I understand and you feel tired.No one cares about passengers and their families.Customer Ah!!!1.2.

Original text

Customer Hello
CSO Oh Hi, [If late, say sorry to keep you waiting]
My name is _______________, How may I help you?
Customer I do not know. You tell me. I am traveling to Canada. Can you please check my reservation?
CSO Yeah sure, may I have your passport number and flight airline booking information.
Customer My Passport Number is AE5545454 and my ticker number is ET43343.
CSO Give me second, let me note down. Can you please repeat your Passport Number.
Customer Its AE5545454.
CSO AE5545454
Customer That’s correct.
CSO And flight Number please?
Customer It’s Itehad Airline, ET43343.
CSO ET43343.

Customer Ah!!! (Deep breath shows patience)
CSO The system shows ET43343 is flying to Paris, France.
Customer Yes, that’s right. I have a connection flight from Paris, France.
CSO May I have connection flight information?
Customer What do you want?
CSO Connected flight number.
Customer It is EK505.
CSO [Takes time for 20 – 30 seconds to look for the information]. I am sorry Mr./Ms. _________. The system does not show any information of your connection flight.
Customer What? [Says in anger and in a surprise situation]. How is this possible.
CSO I do not know sir, but no information is given so far with this detail.
Customer I am waiting for long. Could you please hurry to find the information? My kids are tired of standing in the line waiting for their turn. You should open some more counters to minimize waiting time.
CSO I understand and you feel tired. We are very sorry for that.
Customer Your being sorry does not solve my problem. What kind of place is this? No one cares about passengers and their families.
CSO I know, and I am going to do everything that I can…. to correct the situation.
Customer It just makes me furious.
CSO I am sure, we can work out.
Customer Hurry up, we are late to catch our flight.
CSO Look we are sorry for the trouble. But as I can see, you are a regular traveler of Itehad Airline. I have upgraded your ticket from economy to business class.
Plus, you have access to business class lounge where your family can enjoy our range of services like free massage chairs, sleeping pods.
I am giving you kids meal voucher for Poppeys.
Customer What happens to my connection flight from Paris?
CSO Well, I have two options for you.

  1. Either, you should wait on the airport for 6 hours to catch the next flight.

  2. Or you will be given one day stay in Paris including hotel accommodation and pick and drop.
    Which one will be the best way to go?
    Customer I think option 2 makes me happy at least we can visit Paris as well.
    CSO Sure sir. I have upgraded your ticket. And here is connection flight information ticket.
    Do you need anything else sir?
    Customer No thank you. I am relaxed now.
    CSO You know I can imagine how frustrating it was. I am really sorry this happened. We wish you a safe journey. I hope you will travel with us again.
    Customer I have full confidence on Itehad Airline. Thank you again.

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