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1.Public relations are art, in the sense that they adopt social science applications, It depends on special skills in applying different theories,
And individual preparations vary from one specialist to another.Industrial and large production emergence:

The rise of the industrial revolution in the early 19th century led to a development Immense in production tools and methods, and as a result of the application of the principles of scientific management

The massive industries that attracted thousands of workers and millions have emerged Consumers, there have been problems in the relationship between the employer (and the representative) In the board of directors and workers inside these factories, and the holder of this development

Forming workers' unions to defend their interests towards the senior management, and they have established

Strikes from time to time to protest against ill-treatment alive, and demand
By providing better working conditions or payment systems that are commensurate with the effort made, and it is Here, public opinion has increased pressure to fair workers and meet their demands, and that's why I have appeared The importance of having a link between management and workers (inner audience) to explain The Organization's view of its policies and procedures.At the State level as a whole, increased political awareness and the establishment of regimes have led to increased regimes Democracy to the interest of Governments in influencing public opinion both locally and locally
International through various media or existing organizations and directed
Research to study impact and grooming methods and established specialized units To analyst public opinion and to identify individual views on issues and problems The ones raised to consider when decisions or policies are taken to avoid Crisis and strikes.Growing competition:

The proper way of industry has increased production and thus
The supply of products has increased the volume of demand, and the market shifts from The vendor market (lack supply of a particular commodity or service for the request It has to a buyer market, and this development has resulted in a more severe competition

Between companies trying to please the consumer and Ash sold their wishes, and it did This competition is to pay attention to satisfying and taking consumer needs and desires By establishing good relations with the corporate and public opinion audiences To try to break the support and trust of these masses, and to work on creating a mind-based image Good for the company in the eyes of the audiences compared to other companies.On the other hand, the emergence of large-scale production has led to a distance

The distance between product and consumer and the participation of groups of individuals or Organizations (Brokers) to facilitate the availability of goods to consumers, and this has led to me The number of people connected to organizations has increased and the importance of having good relations with them Eventually satisfy these groups and attain the Organization's objectives at the same time.Public relations are necessary and must be found in all
Enterprises, at all levels, are involved in the business Industry, Administration, Education, Health, Army, and others, as they are in Advanced and developing societies, both and among the masses in different ways Communities.

Original text

  1. Industrial and large production emergence:

The rise of the industrial revolution in the early 19th century led to a development Immense in production tools and methods, and as a result of the application of the principles of scientific management

The massive industries that attracted thousands of workers and millions have emerged Consumers, there have been problems in the relationship between the employer (and the representative) In the board of directors and workers inside these factories, and the holder of this development

Forming workers' unions to defend their interests towards the senior management, and they have established

Strikes from time to time to protest against ill-treatment alive, and demand
By providing better working conditions or payment systems that are commensurate with the effort made, and it is Here, public opinion has increased pressure to fair workers and meet their demands, and that's why I have appeared The importance of having a link between management and workers (inner audience) to explain The Organization's view of its policies and procedures.

On the other hand, the emergence of large-scale production has led to a distance

The distance between product and consumer and the participation of groups of individuals or Organizations (Brokers) to facilitate the availability of goods to consumers, and this has led to me The number of people connected to organizations has increased and the importance of having good relations with them Eventually satisfy these groups and attain the Organization's objectives at the same time.

  1. Growing competition:

The proper way of industry has increased production and thus
The supply of products has increased the volume of demand, and the market shifts from The vendor market (lack supply of a particular commodity or service for the request It has to a buyer market, and this development has resulted in a more severe competition

Between companies trying to please the consumer and Ash sold their wishes, and it did This competition is to pay attention to satisfying and taking consumer needs and desires By establishing good relations with the corporate and public opinion audiences To try to break the support and trust of these masses, and to work on creating a mind-based image Good for the company in the eyes of the audiences compared to other companies.

  1. Awareness has increased by the public:

Increased awareness, spread of education and culture among the different groups of society have led to the spread of education and culture
The need for correct information and for more exploration is increased
Clarifications on decisions, policies that the organization has for me
Level of economic unity, and political decisions of the State are on the same
The whole level of society.

At the organization level, increased awareness and the spread of education have increased It needed full product information, and I showed a number of
Associations to preserve consumer interests, protect any rights and reject
Dealing with companies that have turned out to be not working towards satisfying desires and needs Consumers, they provide them with false information about their products, both from During the commodity cover ad or data, and here it appeared Public relations in building a bridge of trust and self-confidence are between the organization and its audiences
He explained the dimensions of decisions she made about her products.
At the State level as a whole, increased political awareness and the establishment of regimes have led to increased regimes Democracy to the interest of Governments in influencing public opinion both locally and locally
International through various media or existing organizations and directed
Research to study impact and grooming methods and established specialized units To analyst public opinion and to identify individual views on issues and problems The ones raised to consider when decisions or policies are taken to avoid Crisis and strikes.

  1. Communication development:

The tremendous evolution of mass communication has contributed to almost
The courses between different parts of the world, so it's called a small village.
That was a reason for interest in public relations in the international sphere,
And make sure to win the support of world public opinion, and at the same time reflect This interest is again in the internal sphere, both at the organization and at the level of the Organization
At the community level as a whole.

  1. Reliability relations are growing:

The age of which we live today is characterized by mutual dependence and dependence Individuals and various organizations, individuals are trying to satisfy their needs Economic, social and spiritual dependence to a large extent
Others cooperate, whether individuals or organizations, they depend on stores in Providing food, clothing and government to provide them with benefits, protection, etc

From the credits, these relationships of a dependent nature led to E.E
The importance of human relations in complex life.

On the other hand, different regulations are either dependent or
Social, political or religious depends on its activity and its survival
Good for individuals to them, and this dependent relationship of different organizations is on me Individuals are one of the most important fundamental variables that govern the relationships of the century The 20th, which makes the role of public relations more important in this shadow Relationship.

In the words, the following points can be drawn from the definitions of public relations:

  1. Public relations is a scientific method, based on theories Scientific, rated experience and studied experiences.

  2. Public relations are art, in the sense that they adopt social science applications, It depends on special skills in applying different theories,
    And individual preparations vary from one specialist to another.

  3. Public relations need specialists at different levels,
    They graduate through specialized institutes and colleges, they define
    Evaluating public opinion from the angle of concern to and related to the Organization, and they are They advise and advise managers on ways of dealing with Public opinion.

  4. Public relations are a means of training and mass-mounting to accept ideas and opinions New or to do the required responsibilities.

  5. Public relations include understanding between institutions and their audiences and functioning To interdependence and to achieve cooperation between them.

  6. Public relations use communication, media and scientific research tools
    To achieve its purposes.

  7. Public relations are necessary and must be found in all
    Enterprises, at all levels, are involved in the business Industry, Administration, Education, Health, Army, and others, as they are in Advanced and developing societies, both and among the masses in different ways Communities.

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